Tuesday, June 26, 2012

I know it is the end of June, but I thought I'd catch you up on the big news in May.  Darling Too thrilled us with a 2nd place award at the school science fair and then went on to win a Blue Ribbon at the city-wide fair! It was an excellent project and she learned a ton! Ask her sometime what her results were! YUCK!

After struggling through her Level 6 season and making great progress, Darling One decided to quit gymnastics. I was the hardest hit by it. After absorbing most of our family's spare time these last 5+ years, the idea of not having to be on the road an extra hour every day or have our daughter eat supper in the car and go to bed at 11 p.m. three school nights a week didn't sit well with me. Strange, I know. I think my reaction boiled down to this- I am going to miss watching an incredibly strong young woman and her teammates push themselves beyond what I could ever imagine. The lessons she learned from the sport were many and the memories will be treasured.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Catching up with Cat

Since deactivating my Facebook last October, I have missed interacting with those I love. Lately, it seems everyone is posting births, deaths, and everything in between on the site! People assume that if they posted it on Facebook, that you must know about it, even if you aren't on Facebook! This has been an interesting experiment in finding out who my "friends" are, who would stay in touch, and who I'd miss. The benefit to giving up my Facebook addiction is a quieter world. The downside is that I'm out of touch with some folks! So, in an attempt to stay connected, I am going to try my hand at blogging, again. This will not serve as a diary, but as a place to post photos and let you know how my family and I are doing.